
Welcome to Lost & Found @ KIPS

Lost & Found @ KIPS is a platform designed to help students find their lost items and connect with those who have found them. Whether it's a misplaced phone, a lost book, or a forgotten bag, our platform facilitates the process of reuniting lost items with their owners.

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About the Developer: Ammar Abid

Ammar Abid is the driving force behind Lost & Found @ KIPS, a dedicated individual with a passion for leveraging technology to create meaningful solutions. With a background in web development, cybersecurity, and software engineering, Ammar brings a unique blend of skills to the table.

Technical Expertise

Ammar's technical proficiency spans various domains:

  • Web Development: Ammar is adept at crafting user-centric web applications using modern technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Angular.
  • Backend Development: With expertise in backend technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, Ammar ensures the reliability and scalability of the platform's server-side operations.
  • Penetration Testing: With a keen eye for security, Ammar conducts thorough penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen the platform's defenses against cyber threats.
  • Python Development: Ammar is skilled in Python programming, leveraging its versatility to implement various features and functionalities within the platform.

Commitment to Excellence

Ammar's commitment to excellence is evident in his relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. He thrives in dynamic environments where he can push the boundaries of technology to deliver impactful solutions.

Driven by a desire to make a difference, Ammar actively seeks feedback from users and stakeholders to refine and improve Lost & Found @ KIPS continually.

Community Engagement

Outside of his professional endeavors, Ammar is passionate about giving back to the community. He volunteers his time and expertise to mentor aspiring developers, organize tech workshops, and contribute to open-source projects.

Ammar firmly believes in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing to drive positive change in society.

Connect with Ammar Abid

Stay connected with Ammar through his social media profiles:

For inquiries, collaboration opportunities, or to learn more about Ammar's work, feel free to connect with him through his social media profiles or via LinkedIn.