
Welcome to Lost & Found @ KIPS

Lost & Found @ KIPS is a platform designed to help students find their lost items and connect with those who have found them. Whether it's a misplaced phone, a lost book, or a forgotten bag, our platform facilitates the process of reuniting lost items with their owners.

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How it Works

How it Works - Lost & Found @ KIPS

1. Create an Account

If you're new to Lost & Found @ KIPS, register and create an account to access our platform. Fill in the required information to set up your account and gain access to our services.

2. Search Lost Items

Use our search feature to look for lost items by entering keywords or specific details related to your lost item. Our platform will display relevant matches from our database, helping you identify and claim your lost belongings.

3. Report Found Item

If you've found an item within the KIPS Johar Town Campus, report it on our platform by providing details about the found item. Your report will be added to our database, facilitating the reunification of lost items with their rightful owners.

4. Claim Lost Item

If you find a match for your lost item in our database, claim it by providing necessary verification details. Once verified, you can retrieve your lost item and be reunited with your belongings.

Lost & Found @ KIPS simplifies the process of managing lost and found items within the KIPS Johar Town Campus community. Get started today and contribute to creating a supportive and connected environment.